Coming home along I90 we stopped by Mt. Rushmore for another look at this monument to some famous US Presidents. What an awesome sight. But I still maintain they should clean up the rock piles in front of the mountain and let the natural landscape grow back in. I think it would look a lot better.
In Mitchell South Dakato they have a corn palace. If you look closely at the following picture you will be able to tell that the outside maurel of this building is done by using different color corn still on husk. the corn husk is cut lengthwise and by using the different kinds of corn they decorate the outside of the building. The maurel changes every year. It was fun to walk around on the inside of the building and look at all the decorations they have done over the years. Its amazing what you can do with corn.
On the way home, we had to of course stop and visit the Jolly Green Giant. I don't remember how we discovered this statute but we did on the trip we took a while ago to Milwaukee. So we decided to stop and visit him again. It was good to get out and walk around.
Our next to last stop on the way home was a visit to Devil's Tower. This is the mountain that was featured on the movie Close Encounters. It was pretty cool to see it. After a delicious breakfast in Jackson Hole we visited with Monica, Sean, Ayden and Gavin for an overnight visit. Daryl got to ride bikes with Ayden, and we got to watch Ayden at his swimming lessons - were he did awesome. Then the next day we headed home. We were gone for 2.5 weeks and as you can tell from the blogs we did a lot and had a ton of fun. Now we just need a vacation from our vacation.
I totally get the vacation from your vacation. It always seems to work that way.