Gavin and his dad as we are taking off the first day. Gavin was already to enjoy the ride. As the day wore on, Gavin would not set still, he was always moving around and then, of course, he finally fell asleep. Sean had his hands full trying to keep him on the bike. But I think Gavin was having a blast - there was no crying at all.
On Saturday morning, after Monica and Sean and their family left. Daryl and I went on a ride that turned out to be absolutely beautiful as you can see in this picture. The ride was a little more technical then others but it was amazing. I sure enjoy riding those four wheelers.
The week of August 16 through the 20th was spend in Provo, Utah attending Education Week. It was a great week and something that I have always wanted to do. There were 100's of classes and subjects to chose from. Daryl's dad and Judy were able to attend with us. We would get up at 7 a.m. and go all day every day until after 7 p.m. It was an exhausting week, but well worth it. This picture is one taken as we were preparing to head off for the day. The first class we attended was on Abraham Lincoln - what an amazing man he was.
This picture was taken right before a lecture began on the 2nd coming. This is one of the few classes we actually attended together. There were so many to chose from and you just wanted to go to all of them.
Sunday, August 22, 2010, Audrey Elizabeth received a name and a blessing in church. Her dad did a wonderful job and Audrey received a great blessing. What a wonderful little girl she is. I don't have any pictures of this ocassion becuase I haven't received any as of yet (hint hint.