Saturday afternoon the wedding occured in the Albuquee New Mexico Temple (I know I spelled it wrong) it was a beautiful day for such a perfect event. We didn't have to wait too long for Melissa and Jeff to come out of the Temple for pictures. But here is a picture of Daryl and I in front of the New Mexico Temple while we were waiting for them.
Here is a picture of the newlyweds. The ceremony was very beautiful and well done. the Sealer's name was Bro. Waddoups. Daryl and I talked to him afterwards and it turns out it is a small world because he was a cousin to Senator Waddoups here in Utah who is our Senator for the State Legislature. We know Senator Waddoups very well and have worked with him a lot on his campaigns over the years.
On the way home, to help break up the trip, we stopped for a few minutes just outside of Moab at Wilson's Arch and walked around to stretch our legs and get pictures. Here is one of Daryl in front of the Arch.